This special offer expires on Monday night!

Get one week of the Love Your Single Life course for FREE!

A special opportunity for the women who wanted to sign up for the course but couldn't!

Tell me more!

This weekend ONLY!

If you order a copy of my prayer journal, Every Single Moment, you'll also get a week of my signature course, Love Your Single Life, for FREE! ✨

(We're calling it The 7-Day LYSL Experience! 💕)


I knew that some truly incredible women were going to be missing out on LYSL this time around, and this is absolutely the next best thing. (This prayer journal is basically Love Your Single Life in prayer journal form!)

But hurry, this opportunity expires soon!

To get your free week of LYSL, you need to order a copy of Every Single Moment in the next...









"Which videos will we have access to during this free week?"

Great question! For a full week you'll have access to four of my very favorite videos from the Love Your Single Life course! The four videos are...

Video 1: What God says about singleness and marriage

In the first video of The 7-Day LYSL Experience we talk about what God says about marriage. (This will change the way you pray about it in such a good way!) We also talk about how to embrace your desire for marriage without making it an idol! You'll walk away from this video with so much more peace — knowing that you're not alone, and that your feelings (whatever they are on any given day) are okay and NORMAL!


Video 2: What does it mean to "wait well?"

In the second video of The 7-Day LYSL Experience, you'll learn what it looks like to wait well and trust God with this season. We’ll talk about how to live in the moment WHILE patiently anticipating what a good gift of marriage could look like in your life. Yes and amen to that! 


Video 3: How to design a life you love (and why it's SO important!)

In the third video we dive into the three reasons it's SO IMPORTANT to live this season well (and we'll talk about what can happen when you don't!). Then, you’ll learn practical steps on how you can soak in this season like it’s the best thing that’s happened to you—designing a life that you love. 

Video 4: The Dating A-Z

– How do I put myself out there without coming on too strong or appearing desperate?

– Dating is so intimidating to me, there’s so much pressure! How can I have more peace and confidence in it?

– I keep getting my hopes up about relationships, and they keep not working out. How do I keep myself from getting crushed so often?

– What does it look like to guard your heart in a relationship?

– How soon am I supposed to know if this person is my husband?

If you've ever asked these questions, this video is for you. In it, I'm sharing a super helpful mental trick I used in my own life, and I've had so many women tell me that it's the best dating advice they've ever heard. 🥰🥰🥰

Every Single Moment + 7-Day LYSL Experience

Order your copy of Every Single Moment today, and get one week of unprecedented access to this game-changing course!

But hurry! This opportunity disappears in...









"Okay, okay, but tell us about the prayer journal! What's it all about??"

So, here's the thing: we're told we should be praying for our future husbands...

And it makes sense, right? Dating, finding the right person, and committing to them for life — those aren’t things we want to attempt without God in our corner. 

The problem is, nobody ever teaches us HOW to pray for our future husbands. (Nobody teaches us how to pray for our single or dating lives either!)


If you’re anything like me, you’ve found yourself wondering…

- What am I supposed to pray for exactly?

- Is there a right way to pray for my future marriage, and if so, what is that right way?

- Is there anything else I should specifically be praying for?

- Are there things I can be praying about now that will help me be ready for marriage when the time comes?

- What about my life today? I want to grow as a person and in my faith now so I'm the woman I want to be no matter my relationship status. How do I start praying about that? 

- And how do I make sure I’m setting myself up for an awesome future, while still being present in my life today? 


I would have LOVED to have a resource to walk me through all of this, but I could never find one. That's why I knew I had to make one... 




Every Single Moment


100 Powerful Prayers to help you Savor the Present and Prepare for the Future.


Filled with easy-to-follow prayer prompts, this beautiful, 100-day guided journal will help you cover your future husband and marriage in prayer. 

But that’s just the beginning… 

Over the course of 100 days, these prayer prompts will help you heal from the past, grow in the present, and find joy, peace, and purpose in your life right now, today. 

You’ll feel connected with God through prayer in a whole new way — leaving you full of joy, alive with hope, and ready for love.

Best of all, when you finish the journal, you’ll find yourself with a beautiful time-capsule keepsake of this chapter of your love story, and where God showed up in the midst of it.

Every Single Moment will not only help you pray for your future marriage, it'll help you be ready for it when the time comes

Every Single Moment is a keepsake you’ll treasure forever, a record of your story and all the prayers God answered along the way.

I love looking back on my prayer journals — especially the ones from the season right before I met my husband, Carl. I love remembering how I was growing, what I was learning, the journey God and I went on together that made me the woman I am today.

Every Single Moment mattered, and I’m so glad I took the time to write it all down. I know you’ll feel the same way.

I also love re-reading the prayers I prayed specifically for my future husband. God answered my prayers so clearly and directly, personally and beautifully, and I’m not sure I would have noticed the fullness of God’s faithfulness without my prayer journal.

Going back and re-reading the story reminds me of how trustworthy our God truly is. He was faithful in my life then, and He’ll be faithful in my life today. Prayer journaling builds up my faith like crazy, and I know it will do the same for you.

One day at a time, Every Single Moment will help you pray for the man you hope to meet and become the woman you hope to be

Here are just a few of the things Every Single Moment will help you pray for:

  • Your life today — asking God to help you take chances, go on adventures, and make this season of singleness rich, transformative, and wildly fun

  • Your friendships and your faith — asking God to help you form deep friendships, and an even deeper faith that will carry you through all seasons of your life

  • Your identity — asking God to help you discover and embrace your identity in Christ (It’s time for you to feel as beautiful and wonderful as you are!) 

  • Wisdom and strength to keep from settling for a life (or a relationship) that’s less than God’s best for you

  • Abundant peace as you trust God with your love life in a whole new way

  • Your future marriage and future family

  • And so much more…

This beautiful prayer journal will help you fall in love with God, your life, your friends, and yourself as you prepare to fall in love

Here are a few more specific things you can expect to pray about as you journal through Every Single Moment…

  • How to be more content being single

  • How to become the best version of yourself

  • How to get out of your comfort zone

  • How to date with purpose and intentionality

  • How to be your best self both today and in your relationships down the road

  • How to love yourself and be more confident

  • How to break through your fear of rejection in relationships

  • How to get ready for marriage

  • How to identify what to look for in a husband

  • How to learn from the past so you can step into a more beautiful future

Every Single Moment + 7-Day LYSL Experience

Order your copy of my new prayer journal today, and you'll get one week of unprecedented access to this game-changing course!

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question!

If you order the Every Single Moment prayer journal before Monday at 11:59pm PST, you’ll also get to experience four of my favorite videos from my signature course, Love Your Single Life, and you'll have access to them for a whole week!

I’ll even send you the workbook pages that correspond to those videos!

Once you place your order for the prayer journal, you'll receive an email with instructions for how to set up your temporary Love Your Single Life account. You'll create a username, a password, and you'll be able to sign in to our members only course website right away!

You can watch the four videos whenever you want — all at once, or you can space them out throughout the week.

But make sure you watch them within 7 days, because after 7 days, your access will expire! 


We have never offered anything like this before. If you've been wanting to try out the Love Your Single Life course, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts! 

This is the only time we'll ever be offering The 7-Day Love Your Single Life Experience. So if you know you want to take advantage of it, make sure to order the Every Single Moment prayer journal today.

It begins as soon as you place your order, and you'll have access to this portion of the Love Your Single Life course for exactly one week!

I’m happy to answer any questions you can think of! Just send me an email! [email protected]

Here are a few of the prompts from the journal...

just to give you an idea of what it's like!

Day 10

Imagine the day you meet your future husband. Close your eyes if you like. Picture the scene. Where are you? What are you doing? What is your first interaction like? Once you have a few of those details sketched out in your mind, move your attention to yourself. Who are you on the day you meet your husband? What qualities and characteristics are true about you? What does your life look like? 

Make a list of a few things you want to be true about yourself on that life-changing day, and then spend a few minutes praying over them with God. Ask Him to help you take steps toward the version of yourself that you hope to be.


Day 23

There’s nothing you can do to make God love you more than He does right now, and there’s nothing you can do to make God love you less than He does right this second. Because of Jesus, you’re in good standing with God. He loves you, you have access to Him, and He wants a relationship with you—right this second, and forever. Take some time to journal about how it feels to hear that truth today.


Day 49

Insecurity has the power to absolutely cripple your love life. It’s hard to accept and reciprocate someone’s love when you don’t think you’re worthy of it. And it’s impossible to put yourself out there when you think no one will ever choose you. 

Friend, when you look at your love life—past and present, and when you think about what the future may hold—can you see any ways in which insecurity may be holding you back? Do you think your love life could be better if you felt more confident and more worthy of love? Reflect on that with God today. Ask Him to fill you up with the truth of how loved and how worthy of love you truly are.


Day 81

What are some things you want to be true about your future marriage? If you aren’t sure where to start, try thinking about it this way: When people interact with you and your husband, what do you want them to say about the way you love each other? Take some time to make a list and then pray for those things today.


Day 92

What’s one way you’ve grown over the last three months? What’s something you've learned or accomplished? What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of? Growth like this is hard-won and precious. Take some time to celebrate with God today.

Make Every Single Moment count

Order your copy today!


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